
Workato vs. Make

Workato vs. Make

Running processes completely independently, realizing scaling and efficiency and all that without (much) programming thanks to low code and no code - that sounds like a lot of promises and flowery prospects.  

Cloud automation can and does deliver on these promises: with intuitive interfaces, numerous resources and plenty of reach. So it's no surprise that the market for automation platforms, also called iPaaS, is growing. The competition is increasing and so we cannot avoid comparing the most important applications with each other.  

For beginners in particular, many of the applications can seem very similar. However, we would like to highlight the differences and send Workato vs Make into the arena. The comparison covers technical and content-related functionalities, pricing and user-friendliness.  

TL;TR: Workato vs. Make





Directly to Make?

Workato vs. Make: Differences at First Glance

The first difference becomes clear when you create a test account. On the Workato landing page, you will initially only find the buttons "Login" or "Contact Sales". However, you can log in with your Office356, GSuite, Salesforce, Slack or Wrike account. This allows you to take a look at the automation platform at your leisure.  

With Make, on the other hand, you will find the "Sign up" button directly on the website and can start immediately.  

If you are logged in, you will probably immediately notice numerous terms that are very different in Workato vs Make. What means the same, means different for both iPaaS platforms:

Workato vs. Make Functionalities

In addition, Workato has one more level of hierarchy than Make: You can create individual projects, which in turn create folders that contain your recipes. Make does not offer a project level, but allows you to sort your processes into folders.  

Thus, Workato offers a little more clarity.  

In this case, however, different projects can be selected at Workato, which in turn leads to more clarity. Make version 2.0 will ensure that folders and different structures guarantee a better overview.  

If you start a new Scenario or Recipe (we call both processes here in a simplified way), then of course you first need to link it to your desired and used applications.  

For a better comparison of the surface and some technical possibilities, we have tried to build the exact same process in the Workato vs Make comparison. This is how we show where the differences lie.  

First, we select Airtable as the trigger. Airtable is an intuitive database that is perfect for automations. It is common to have different and fewer triggers for supported applications than there are actions in the middle of a process. Make offers the following trigger actions for Airtable:

Workato vs Integromat: Trigger Integromat
Make offers the following triggers for Airtable
Workato vs Integromat: Trigger Workato
Workato, on the other hand, offers these triggering treatments for Airtable

The Airtable account must then be linked via the API key. This is very simple for both platforms. In the subsequent setup, the correct table and the entry that serves as the trigger must be selected.

With both platforms, the complexity can already increase, because formulas can be used for better filtering. These are really powerful and can complete your automated processes down to the smallest detail.

Workato vs Integromat: Funktionen Integromat
Workato vs Integromat: Funktionen Workato

How the process continues after the trigger can also be customized. Both platforms offer branches, "if, then" functions, error handlers or filters. functions, error handlers or filters to better model the process.  

However, there are small differences: functions such as aggregation are not provided for in Workato, at least by default. In our eyes, Make is closer to the real world here with its logics and can thus map significantly more complex integrations or process automation compared to Workato.

In our setup, we decide on a very simple process and link HubSpot as a CRM. Here, a new contact is created as soon as a new entry is created in Airtable. We are then notified of this in Microsoft Teams.

The processes created in this way, which are admittedly very small, then look quite different in the interface of both iPaaS platforms.

Workato vs. Make Price Comparison

When it comes to pricing, the two applications could not be more different. Workato offers two pricing options: "Workato for your Business" and "Workato for your Product".  

Required" forms the basis of Workato for your Business. Unlimited apps, unlimited connections and unlimited users are thus available for your workspace. If required, your own recipes are added on top. These can be purchased individually or as a package of 10, 25, 50 or 100 recipes. Workato promises access to more than 400,000 ready-made recipes.

Workato vs Integromat Pricing Workato

However, Workato does not reveal a price for either option. You can only request a quote. For this, it is necessary to arrange a demo.  

The second option, "Workato for your Product", also has no price tag on the package. This package is relevant for SaaS providers who want to connect their software with other applications via integrations. It is therefore less relevant for the Workato vs Make comparison.  

Make, on the other hand, communicates its pricing strategy very transparently, as you surely know from many other applications.

Make pricing 2024

A free version is available with up to 1,000 operations. Operations are, as listed in the table above, what Workato calls Transactions and designates the operations spent within a single process.

These are decisive for the required subscription. From 9$ to 29$ to Custom and Enterprise Solutions, Make offers a package for every need. In addition, you can flexibly add 10,000 operations for $9 at any time without having to change the package directly.  

A direct comparison is therefore only possible to a limited extent in this area. Prices are communicated more transparently at Make, which could be more attractive for individuals.

Security and Compliance

For enterprises, the aspect of compliance is of particular importance. Roles, rights and security must be guaranteed. Make for Enterprise offers numerous functions to increase security, for example:

  • Supported single sign-on: SAML, 2FA
  • GDPR compliance
  • Definition of authorization roles
  • Data Confidential" mode for hiding/masking executed data
  • Hosting environment and physical security
  • Authentication
  • Network security
  • Transaction data retention and protection at rest
  • Internal audit and employee control
  • App development and testing

Of course, Workato also offers measures designed to meet strict data protection, security and compliance requirements: Optional two-factor authentication using an authentication app such as Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator, integration with SAML-compatible third-party Single Sign-On (SSO) systems, hosting in selected non-US regions, regular vulnerability and penetration tests or, of course, the assignment of rights and roles.

Want to know more about Make and get advice? Find out more here.  

User-Friendliness of Workato Compared to Make

Admittedly, it is a little more difficult for us to evaluate the user-friendliness, at least with Make, since we use the platform on a daily basis and are therefore very familiar with it. Nevertheless, we would like to put ourselves in the shoes of newcomers.  

Login & Dashboard

Yes, at Workato the Free Trial is somewhat hidden. But that is also intentional, after all, purchasing decisions in large companies are rarely made in one day by one person. That is why we exclude this aspect in this comparison, but for the curious it is much easier at Make to create a free account to try it out.

After logging in, you land on the dashboard for both iPaaS platforms. And this is where Workato clearly scores. Workato's straightforward design provides an immediate overview of the relevant data. After all, that's exactly what a dashboard is for.  

In addition to the number of recipes, you can also see the number of successful runs (jobs) as well as failed jobs and the number of tasks used - all broken down per day. You can also filter by time, project and recipe.  

Another view, the Dependency Graph, shows how your different processes are connected. This feature is great if you don't want to lose track of hundreds of recipes.

With Make, on the other hand, the dashboard is very slim. In addition to your settings, you will find a graph that shows you how many operations you have used per day in the last 30 days and how much data was transmitted. That's it. The findings are, well, meagre. Apart from the fact that we don't like the design.  

Create Processes & Automations

We have already shown comparisons for this step above. Both iPaaS platforms, Workato & Make, guide you through the creation of new processes step by step. Basic automations can be created in no time at all.  

It gets more complicated if you want to use the numerous functions, filters and conditions that both tools offer. The possibilities are really numerous. In our opinion, beginners need some time to get to grips with both Make and Workato. However, both providers support you with videos and training material.  

Connectivity of Workato vs. Make

A platform that wants to link different applications with each other naturally lives from the fact that these applications are also sufficiently supported. This is why the simple number of supported apps is important on the one hand, but also more extensive possibilities via the API interfaces.  

On the Workato side, compatibility is currently higher in the direction of enterprise applications. A total of around 1200 connectors are available. So-called on-premise connectors are also supplied as standard. Make, on the other hand, offers so-called gateways and open source gateways which, in the case of on-premise software, can be installed on the respective infrastructure and connected via it.  

Apart from on-premise, both iPaaS platforms offer a particularly important function: almost every application can be connected via HTTP calls or API calls. This means that not only can already defined endpoints (for example, "Send to email") be used, but other endpoints can also be connected (for example, "Get to email"). This enables further, numerous connectors.

In terms of integration possibilities, Workato and Make are thus pretty much on a par. Workato offers a slightly better linkage in the direction of on-premise and enterprise.

Conclusion: Both Workato and Make with Potential for Improvement

In the duel Workato vs. Make , both iPaaS platforms are close to each other. Admittedly, they are not 1:1 comparable with each other, as they currently focus on different target groups. Workato scores in the enterprise sector, but Make covers a broader mass of users.  

Overall, we find Workato easier and more self-explanatory to use, especially for beginners. The dashboard also offers more clarity than Make currently does.  

Your process automations gain in complexity via the formulas. We find that both applications require practice and experience in order to exploit their full potential. Nevertheless, Make scores with slightly more functions that can map even more comprehensive processes and are thus closer to reality.

However, Make currently still lacks enterprise connectors and apps. Here again, Workato scores with its on-premise connectors and enterprise applications.

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