
Zapier vs. Make

Zapier vs. Make

Make vs. Zapier 2022: Which Is Better - Zapier or Make?

Automate processes, outsource redundant work or design customer journeys ingeniously - both are possible with Zapier and Make. But which of the two cloud process automation tools is better? And why don't we compare Zapier with

Zapier vs. Make- The comparison

Zapier vs. Make: Comparison. We don't want to compare two almost identical tools, we want to highlight particular differences and Zapier and Make are ideal for this. Why it also makes a huge difference that Zapier is a US-American and Make a Czech software provider, you can read in the conclusion. At the end, we will introduce a special new tool that takes cloud process automation to a new level.

TL;TR: Zapier vs Make



Zapier and Make save you money, time and costs. Automate employee tasks.

Comparison: Make vs. Zapier

What will you read in this blogpost?

Why Zapier is easier and why Make can be better for you. We'll present price, technical and content comparisons and help you automate your processes in the cloud.

Zapier vs. Make: Differences at First Glance

The first difference between the two platforms is immediately apparent when using them for the first time: the user interface is structured very differently. When a workflow is created in Zapier, the required apps and functions are added one by one. This results in a linear process.

Zapier vs Integromat Oberfläche

The disadvantage of this view: if you want to replace a single action, you have to delete all subsequent actions and create new ones.

Make, on the other hand, uses a visual representation that represents all the tools used and can be edited using drag-and-drop. Individual modules can be moved and edited as desired. It then looks like this:

Zapier vs Integromat Oberfläche Integromat

The big advantage here is that individual modules can be exchanged at will without affecting the other steps.

For us, Make is clearly the winner. The flexible, clear view allows better troubleshooting and is more intuitive in our eyes.

Another difference that immediately catches the eye is the different terms that actually mean the same thing. Here is a brief comparison of the most important terms plus an explanation:

ZapierMakeExplanationZapScenarioAction to be carried out (e.g. data from Google into Excel and from Excel into the CRM system and then letter)Triggers and ActionsModules (Actions, Triggers, Iterators)Triggers and functions in the process (e.g. 10 e-mail addresses are to be split up and written to individually) TaskOperationA single process stepPathsRoutesBranches in the process

Zapier vs. Make in Terms of Price

Zapiers prices in dollars

Zapier is fundamentally "free", but you can't really automate anything in the free subscription. A maximum of five "zaps" (= process steps) are possible here. What are these zaps? Imagine you want to post your email as an image on Wordpress and still want to format the name or you want to post a message from Gmail in Slack and Trello - then you will already run into your limit here. You can connect a maximum of 2 apps with each other.

At Make, for comparison, you can put together an infinite number in the free model. Even with only 5 zaps, most of our customers usually don't manage it. For example, website, chat, CRM, forms, and project management, each tool can be automated with 10-20 processes to save your company time and money through cloud process automation. However, you only get 5 zaps:

How Many Processes and Which Package Do I Need with Zapier?

Our experience shows that most clients need at least the Professional Plan. This provides the necessary functions. In the Zapier Professional Plan, you receive so-called Path, What are Zapier Paths? If-Then functions. Without Paths it gets complicated. Imagine Excel without an if-then function - that's no fun and makes little sense.

In the Professional Plan you get 2,000 zaps, we calculate a time saving per zap (found out with our customers through projects) of approx. 16 cents per minute. This means that the Professional Plan saves you about 520€ in employee costs and time, which corresponds to an hourly wage of 20€ gross from the employer's point of view. That's just the beginning, but above all you can invest your time better.

You won't pull up any trees with 2000 zaps. Many customers exceed the limit quite quickly and need more zaps. Sure, you may say it's still more cost-efficient to use zaps than to hire employees, but these costs also have to be paid and add up quite quickly. So let's take a look at Make's pricing model.

Make Prices and Packages

At first glance, Zapier and Make hardly differ in price. However, on closer inspection we see big differences. Make is much cheaper than Zapier, with Zapier you get 100 process steps (zaps) for 0€, with Make 1000 for 0€ and even better, you have no limitation of applications, so your e.g. 28-step process can be automated directly for testing.

Chapeau: Make is much more cost-efficient than Zapier. What's more, you get the team package from Zapier for $29 plus $9 instead of $276 here at Make. How plus? Yes, with Make, if you ever go over the limit, you can simply update your limit by another 10,000 process steps. You can't do that with Zapier, where you pay Flat 2 cents per Zap. With us, you even get 10,000 operations for free in the first month. Click here with the affiliate link directly to Make.

Zapier vs. Make Runtime Comparison. Which Is More Worthwhile?

Was ist günstiger? Zapier oder Integromat?

We recommend the annual subscription for Zapier and the monthly subscription for Make. With Zapier, the costs can be reduced by up to 25% with an annual subscription. What is the best way to proceed - so as not to pay 600€ in one go? You build your zaps in the monthly subscription, test them and then, after 1-2 months, you change. You will notice over the runtime that some zaps are non-sense, that is normal. Delete them, create new ones and test them, which is why we recommend a monthly subscription first and then switching.

Make for Companies and Enterprises vs. Start-Ups and Small Businesses:

With Make, you can just take the monthly plan (Make is cheaper than Zapier either way) - but if you are a large company that wants to automate a lot in the cloud without having to maintain and update all the APIs, talk to us. We have a direct line to Make and have already got special conditions for many customers.

Arrange a free consultation!

When it comes to costs, the winner is clearly and completely Make . Now for the technical consideration, Zapier or Make?

Comparison: Which Is Better, Zapier or Make?

Where do we start, let's first compare the marketing slogans and the packages themselves before we reveal our insider knowledge as Zapier Expert and Make Partner for Germany. Which plans are we comparing? Zapier Professional Plan vs. Make Standard, just what we recommend for our clients.

Zapier Pros

  • Code Execution - Hell Yeah! You know Python or .js? Yeah then automate your tools even better with some code
  • Error tracking - The error tracking and the examples are much better. You get "dummies", data to create zaps. Compared to Make, you have to integrate everything first and then see if it will work.
  • UX and design - As we all know, this is a matter of taste, but we think Zapier is sexy.
  • Replay - if something didn't work, just start again.
  • Premium Apps
  • Number of apps - currently over 2,000 plus many hidden beta apps

Make Pros

  • Modularity - push your process together and build your processes more intuitively. Simply rearrange a process, it's possible.
  • Execution - you can really see what's happening under the bonnet, what data goes where
  • DSGVO - GDPR Make - European company that attaches great importance to security and data protection. Why this is so important, you can read here.
  • Possibilities - you have many more technical possibilities to format data and map complex business processes.
  • Data storage - save results and data for further processes

In general, we find it easier to add new zaps in Zapier. You are pleasantly guided and the layout is very clear. Examples of searches and suggestions are given directly. Here is an example of how you can create a Zap with Gmail. This is very easy. However, we find the account management in Make better.

Zapier vs Integromat which is easier
Zapier vs Make: Which is easier?

So which is easier? Zapier scores here. Zapier Experts Germany - Wemakefuture.

Let us now look at the negative points:

Zapier Cons

  • "I would like to use Gmail and not Twitter as a "trigger" - No, you can't. Once you have created your zaps, you can't change anything without deleting everything. That's really time-consuming and annoying. So simply "swapping" an app is not possible.
  • API connection - the comparison with Makeshows that integration is half-hearted and much attention is paid to marketing. For example, Zapier Lexoffice integration, which would be great for many customers, you can only upload images, but a powering between PayPal and Lexoffice is not possible. #Fail the API is only 1% connected. We often see that an "APP" is on Zapier, but on closer inspection 90% of the functions are missing. This is not the case with Make, where more emphasis is placed on quality and integration.
  • Overview when it gets complex - In Zapier, a maximum of 3 paths go in one path, in simpler terms, you can nest your if-then function a maximum of two times. And you have to look into the "box" each time, with Make you have a nice overview - clearly more complex.
  • Data protection - With the ECJ ruling, it became clear that Zapier is not subject to European data protection claims.

Make Cons

  • No code execution - How we would like to extend a list .append() well. We can't. Too bad! Only with the tools, text parsers and flow controls can lists be created, but real for-loops (as in Python) are not possible.
  • Complexity and documentation - Make can do a lot, but at first glance it is too complex, and even worse the documentation is atrocious. This becomes visible under the documentation, where Make asks, was the post helpful? Unfortunately, it often looks like this. Users rate Make as poorly documented.
image 3
Often not well documented
  • Time spent - we put more time into client projects with Make as they require more testing and more bug fixes than Zapier.

Zapier vs. Make Comparison - Technical Conclusion:

In our opinion, Make is better for users who want to map real and complex business processes. Computer science or data processing skills definitely help here. Zapier is definitely more user-friendly and scores high on the system. It is hard to say who is generally ahead. We can say this much: it is easier to create processes in Zapier and if you have little IT affinity, use Zapier. If it is complex and for a company with roles and rights, use Make.

We would be happy to help you find out what makes sense for you and what is more suitable for your company: Zapier or Make?

Find out now what suits your business better

Let's now move on to the comparison of content: What does content mean? General factors, general features and miscellaneous.

Comparison: Zapier vs. Make?

In general, we find Make community support more professional and better. Here we notice that professionals are at work and not just any users who ask questions that Google could have answered. Zapier, however, is much better known and has built up more content and examples in the blogposts.

Make has significantly more features compared to Zapier, where we would work with code. Of course, for the average user, Make is recommended if you don't want to write Python or JavaScript. We conclude that it is a matter of taste to create a .Json in Zapier with Python or if you like a Json formatter in Make. WTF Json? Yes, a data thingy there. Never mind. If Json doesn't mean anything to you, our tip is go-with-the-flow and have a look at Zapier.

Integromat is more extensive than Zapier
Make is more comprehensive than Zapier
Formater und Co auf Zapier
Trigger Zapier vs Make

Other features we would like to highlight are the roles and rights management. Often with Zapier we feel we have to share passwords and it's all a bit more "insecure". With Make, you can see that someone has thought about how developers can help companies integrate without us seeing/knowing all the data and passwords.

Wemakefuture is your partner in Germany for Zapier and Make. Successfully implement cloud process automation.

Conclusion - Comparison: Zapier vs. Make? What Is Our Recommendation?

As an Make partner in Germany and Zapier expert in Germany, we develop process automation with both tools. It clearly depends on your needs and the scope of your automation. We can warmly recommend both automation providers and stand behind both platforms. If you are particularly interested in the topic of data protection of both providers, we have written a blog post for Make and Zapier after the ruling on the Privacy Shield of the ECJ.

Update 25.08.2020: There is a small point deduction for Make, as the promised version 2 is still not live and thus delayed. Zapier, on the other hand, recently scored with the JavaScript & Python modules, which are extremely performant and powerful.

We are happy to support you in the analysis and subsequent automation of business processes, explain possibilities and individually address the company processes. This is the right way to implement the digital machine age 2.0!



Zapier and Make save you money, time and costs. Automate employee tasks.

Process Automation - Our Latest Tool:

Our latest tool, Wayscript! Since we work a lot with Airtable at clients to provide a "haven" for processes and Wayscript combines the advantages of Zapier and Make (modularity, SQL/data storage and Python), this is a hot tip from us. We remain curious to see how Wayscript develops. At the moment, we do not recommend its operational use.

Automate. Improve. Be successful.

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