
Task Automation: 3 Criteria

Task Automation: 3 Criteria

You receive an automatic order confirmation after a successful purchase in an online shop? Your parcel is confirmed in real time with subsequent parcel tracking? An appointment reminder appears 15 minutes before your calendar event? These are all small examples of successful automation.

But when it comes to the question of whether one's own task can be automated or at least parts of it can be automated, things often look different. The topic seems complex and the possibility of saving time involves a lot of effort in advance. How do you decide what should be automated? And anyway, can a task be automated? Where is the best place to start?

As a guide to all these questions, there are a few commonalities that easily automated tasks share. We explain what you should consider in advance if you ask yourself the question: "Can this task automated?"

Can The Task Be Automated? Yes, If...

1. The Task Must Be Done Frequently or According to a Schedule

When deciding which aspects of your work should be automated, a good first question is: What tasks do you perform most often? Tasks that need to be done frequently or on a set schedule are perfect for automation because the benefits are immediate. You'll spend less time each day on repetitive tasks that can quickly become annoying or irritating.

Tasks that do not occur daily but only once a year are also excellent for automation. As soon as tasks are recurring and always done in the same way, you should make an effort to automate them.

In addition, such tasks are often not much fun or even frustrating. Identify those tasks and try to automate them first.

Because let's face it: copying and pasting is time-consuming and terribly boring. Of course, the same goes for other manual methods of moving data, such as exporting CSV files from one app and then importing them into another. And if you have to repeat the process several times over the course of a day or week, it quickly becomes unmanageable.
Especially tasks that move data between apps are perfect for automation. For example, you can create new leads in your CRM when someone fills out a form on your website or subscribes to an email marketing campaign.

2. The Task Is Boring and Does Not Require Complex Thinking

Another important point is whether a task needs human interaction at all. Does it need creativity, problem-solving skills or emotional intelligence? You might not want to automate such tasks.

However, if it is a boring, simple task that does not require complex thinking, it can be easily handled by an automation platform such as Zapier or Make .

Identify tasks you would rather not do. Are the same steps necessary each time? Would you rather do something else instead of this task?

3. The Task Distracts You from What You Really Want to Do and Adds Value.

This is probably the most important point: automate tasks that keep you from doing what you really want to do. Important, meaningful, value-added things.

If you find yourself putting off tasks for hours on end, wishing you could pass them off, or thinking about many other things while doing them, it is most likely time to automate them.

Sounds interesting, no? Here's a blog about 10 automation projects.

Convinced, But You Don't Know How Automation Works for You?

Our tip: Feel free to read up on your options. On our blog we present tools that might be worthwhile for you, but there is also a growing community for automation everywhere else on the internet. One tool that is particularly suitable for beginners is Make. What exactly Make is, you can read here.

Sounds nice, but you don't have much time for it? Or your tasks exceed the points presented here by far? We are happy to support you in uncovering potentials, illuminating possibilities and implementing automation. Set out to lead your company successfully into the future.

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