Tips and examples

Optimize Project Management with Make

Optimize Project Management with Make

4 Tips: How to Automate Your Project Management with Make

It's a question project managers in every industry ask: "How can I automate my project management?" Make is the new, innovative answer to this question that every company has been looking for. Read through our use cases and learn how this tool can help you avoid mistakes, create projects and manage workflows better than ever before.

First Method: Adding Documents to Projects

It can be confusing, ineffective and time-consuming to transfer every document you find into the appropriate project. Fortunately, Make is designed to automate this process from start to finish, reducing errors and improving productivity:

  • Any file attachment in the Dropbox/OneDrive/Google Drive/FTP folder you specify that is attached to a selected task in Asana is saved.
  • Any new file added to Podio will be saved in your desired Google Drive folder.

Second Method: Saving The Project Documentation

Keeping accurate records of your organization's projects is as important as successfully completing them. That's why Make's tools are designed to help you centralize project documentation and ensure files stay organized by:

  • All project files are saved, compressed and sent on your preferred communication channel.
  • Each new file added to Podio will be saved in your desired Google Drive folder.
  • Any file attachment in the Dropbox/OneDrive/Google Drive/FTP folder you specify that is attached to a selected task in Asana is saved.

Third Method: Create Project Notes

If you regularly ask yourself, "How can I automate my project management?" then you might just need better organization. Overflowing email inboxes and more can cause you to lose track of your progress, which is why Make's automation is such an important solution. Whatever your needs, the tool is guaranteed to help you navigate projects easily by:

  • For each new post added to your "watched" Tumblr blogs, and/or for each check-in registered on Foursquare, notes will be created in your desired Evernote notebook.
  • For each new order created in WooCommerce, notes will be published in SuiteCRM7.
  • Every tweet uploaded by a Twitter user you select and/or every post uploaded to your desired Facebook group will be saved in your Evernote notebook.

Fourth Method: Create Projects After Payment

Your company works hard every year to meet clients' needs - you deserve to be paid for that effort. Make helps you avoid unpaid work by creating projects only after your clients have paid their invoices. So while this tool tracks your bank statements via Raiffeisenbank emails, you can take back control of your finances by using the innovative solution and:

  • New projects are created in Toggl as soon as your Bank of America account balance falls below a certain threshold.
  • for each WooCommerce order that is placed and paid in full new projects are created in Asana
  • for every direct deposit of more than $1,000 into your account, new projects are created in VTiger CRM.

If you follow these 4 tips with Make you will never again ask yourself: "*How can I automate my project management?"! *

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